Thursday, June 23, 2011

Russia's War Taboos

A CIA-operated propaganda outfit named Open Democracy (can't deny the fact that those creatures got an uncanny sense of irony) published a piece by a lowlife called Andrey Kalikh, kindly forwarded to me by Mike A' (otherwise I would be totally oblivious to his existence), heroically titled Russia's WWII: still too many taboos? i am not going to provide a link to that virtual puddle of effluent as anyone can look it up but here I am going to post my response which  I believe answers a few questions on what taboos about Second World war exist and ultimately who  lost or won the war (which as far as I am concerned is not yet over).


I have no idea who is Andrey Kalikh except that he is a  lowlife, a writing parallel to the old concentration camp guard conscripted or rather hired from the ranks of the natives to do the dirtiest jobs lest whiter masterpeople get their hands dirty. The Nazi attitudes toward Russia were  formulated by Alfred Roseberg (incidentally a Tallinn, Reval native) and the strategy chosen by the Nazis was that of ethnic division and of breaking Russia into parts along tribal and ethnic lines, of creating "nations" and supporting them in opposition to Russia (or to Great Russians). It is probably worth reminding those with particularly short memory that Hitler came to power not on the promise of conquering the world or exterminating the Jewry as if that were the case hardly any German would have voted for him, but for rectifying evils of the Versailles (though not of all provisions of a far more unjust Saint-Germain-en-Laye treaty) and for combating evil Communism, which as the narrative evolved into something else, equalled countering Russia. This ideology, the one on which Nazism rose to power and the one on which Nazism is based, was borrowed wholesale word by word and deed by deed by the postwar United States and Britain (true heirs to the Nazi cause their understandable fondness for Israel notwithstanding) and this ideology drives CIA sponsored organizations like the hilariously named Open Democracy.  The case of ethno-Nazi satrapies like Estonia and Latvia is different, especially that of Estonia, which is far worse than the Nazi Germany was (without the concentration camps) as it is based on the notion of both ethnic exclusivity and racial superiority (pretty much in accordance with true principles on which the EU, the Evil Union, was founded) within a given territory, something Hitler's Germany never professed to be as most Nazi crimes were committed in foreign lands by helping hands of native Andreys Khalikhs, German Nazis never glorified barbarism or ethnic exclusivity - which are essential to the self-identity of the post Soviet ethno-Nazi states like Estonia. 

The motives of the CIA-funded Open Democracy (one must admit those guys have a great sense of humor when it comes to picking names for their propaganda ventures) which  employs human scum like Andrey Kalikh are apparent as is the obvious lack of good will toward Russia and its peoples. 

A few notes though:

The three Baltic States today are ethnocracies or ethno-Nazi formations which officially and informally practice ethnic discrimination that puts old South Africa (with which I am well familiar) to shame. It is pretty disgusting that the Andrei Kalikh, for propaganda purposes, placed today's Belorussia and its good natured people into the same category as Estonian and Lettish ethno-Nazis. 

Now let's get down to the beef. A disclaimer needs to be made here as why did Soviet authorities have problems with explaining how come the friend suddenly turned foe. First of all,  Hitler's Germany or the Weimar's Germany as Hitler did merely take over the German Federation (the Reich, not the Bund) without changing its constitution, was never presented as a friend to the Soviet public.  That is understandable as Hitler came to power on the promise of eliminating Bolshevism. History falsifiers, CIA-stooges, Anglo-American Nazis or treasonous human trash like Andrey Kalikh may claim that Hitler came to power professing love for the Soviet Union and Stalin reciprocated but any serious historian, professional or amateur, would have no difficulty in getting period materials from the era, from periodicals to speeches by public officials to uncover the truth. Considering the external isolation of the USSR and Hitler's successes, it was natural on the part of the Soviet Union to seek either neutrality arrangement or a split into spheres of influence with Germany that became a party with which the Soviet Union could do business and did do business while the USSR could stay neutral or collaborating on some issues as was the case with partitioning armed, aggressive and viscerally anti-Soviet Poland along historic and ethnic lines.   Secondly and most importantly, Hitler's racism and antisemitism notwithstanding, until the day of June 22, 1941 the war Germany waged was justified, just and noble, forced upon her by Britain which turned a German-Polish conflict (in which Germany's cause was just as it was trying to protect civilians of wrong ethnicity, namely German speakers, against  wrongs of a rabidly violent post Versailles and totally artificial ethnic state. A justification far more just or at least believable than phony claims of protecting civilians with napalm and depleted uranium that are now used by the Nato Nazis in the war of aggression waged against Muslim countries with Libyan people being the latest victim). It is worth remembering that for most of population of dismantled monstrosity called Czechoslovakia (or for  2.5 million Germans,  millions Slovaks and Hungarian nationals of that post-Versailles state) Hitler was a liberator and German Reich a force that brought justice and peace. Bloodlessly.  On June 22, 1941 when Hitler  at the head of the united Europe attacked Soviet Union the just war of defense , at least from the German standpoint,   turned into a war of aggression and became the point of no return after which the crimes of genocide, extermination of POWs and then Holocaust followed.

But taboos exist, The biggest taboo in respect to WWII that exists in Russia today is that it is unable, no wonder as so many historians belong to the caste of Russophobe Moscow-based "liberal intelligentsia" and CIA-run NGOs and "foundations" provide so much clout and stench, to clearly say that the Nazism was not defeated as the USA, Britain and the NATO collective are just continuation of Hitler's Reich in ideological and spiritual terms, and as long as there is NATO and Nazi war criminals and murders are glorified in the statelet of Estonia and Latvia under US protection,  the Nazi cause is alive and well,  but also Russia (and Russian historiography) is unable to admit that things are not black and white and that while Germany did attack the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 without any provocation, Germany did not start the Second World War, a tragedy for which Britain and its overseas backers bear sole responsibility and blame. That not the German Nazis but also the little ethno-Nazis, the nationalists of the new ethnic formations, bear most blame for the crimes of genocide as they were the ones who gathered the victims, murdered them or shipped them off to the concentration camps.  Practically all Jews were murdered in Estonia (it was safer to be a Jew in the Third Reich itself than in Estonia at the time) as long as all Russians, Slavs, gypsies - Germany bears the blame though it is obvious that a German in Estonia who can't speak the local language is helpless. Only Estonia and its ethno-Nazis are guilty of the most thorough ethnic cleansing continent saw. As long as there is "independent Estonia", the Nazism is not defeated. Russia is unable to say, for political reasons, that Finland bears greater blame for the Siege of Leningrad and is guilty of murdering over million civilians in Russia than does Nazi Germany which would have been totally helpless at the Siege business if not for enthusiastic Finnish assistance. One important taboo is the deportation and murder of millions (in case of Czechoslovakia alone of some 2.6 million deported and 250 000 murdered) of German speakers by the "democratic" ethnic states and Soviet allies which was probably the worst crime after the Holocaust itself and the murder of Soviet POWs, but since the victims were "Germans"  and the murderers ethnic nationalists in newfangled ethnocracies (which are all now NATO protectorates) and because the Soviet Union also participated in deportations (from its part of annexed East Prussia though unlike Czechoslovakia the USSR did not disenfranchise anyone as deportees were not its citizens), the subject is kept as a taboo. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Origin of the doomed flight and the decease of Russian Federation hypercentralization

A Tupolev (or rather Toupolev) Tu-134 operated by some worthless private airline which in Russia means an outfit that uses nay exploits old Soviet (meaning people's) assets for private gain, and that's what Russian Federation economy is all about, with a pretentious and foolish corporate name, Rusair, crashed while attempting to make a hard landing on a motorway near Petrazvodsk in (Eastern) Karelia. 44 passengers and crew members died.  Eight, among them a ten year old kid and a female board attendant, survived the crash. There is a tale of a heroic passer-by who dragged survivors out of broken up wreck (the impact was violent, parts of fuselage were found two kilometers from the crash site) and almost got killed though saved lives.

Tu-134 is my favorite airliner. I love the noise, the smell, the long open overhead luggage shelf, an oddity that disappeared from the other airliners in the 1960s - more modern commercial aircraft come equipped with lockable overhead storage bins, the rattle,  its clumsy collapsible 1960s seats and its fantastic round windows which look as if they came right from hull of Jules Verne's Nautilus. And there is a window in the lavatory's ceiling.    In the last few years whenever I had an opportunity to fly in Russia I  chose flights operated by a Tu-134 knowing well that they slowly disappear. Not merely they fall pray to airline accidents, which are just that, accidents, but because the beautiful machines, contemporaries of later models of the equally though differently majestic Sud Aviation Caravelle, are scrapped. Only 25 are still flying commercially in Russia out of 850 that had been manufactured between 1966 and 1982 (by some accounts 1984) for then Soviet Aeroflot and export markets.

While I am not going to lament the loss of Russian aviation industry that has by now happened,   due to insatiable avarice of Muscovite nomenklatura that usurped power in the country, because the aviation industry was not the only loss Russia suffered at the hands of her internal enemies in the last 20 years or talk about the air crash itself because I am not qualified to talk about it though my sympathies go out to the families of the passengers and crew members, regardless of whether the crash was caused by a crew error as it is now alleged or something else, I will say a few things about the pathological extent of the Muscovite state's centralization. When  one hears (sad) news of a plane crash in the USA or Brazil,  planes crash from time to time, one would have no idea where did the incident occur unless the geographic location of the crash,  the origin and destination of the flight were mentioned in the news.  When my associate told me today on my way to the Czech police station (I took my driving license theory exam in Czech language and driving test, I passed both) that a plane crashed near Petrazovodsk,   I was about 90% certain that the plane departed from Moscow. Why? Because everything in the so-called Russian Federation goes either through Moscow, to Moscow or from Moscow. Even the old Soviet Union had far less centralized system of governance than today's Russian Federation, and when it came to the internal air travel, it had a denser, better managed and more affordable route network. Under the soft authoritarian system that emerged in the dark era of Eltsin (for some reason the villain's name tends to be written as Yeltsin by the enemy ), which ascendancy is maintained by the rule of two dwarfish puppets who succeeded him  more or less appointment, the system which sole reason for existence is maintenance of unlimited personal power by a few usurpers and fabulous personal enrichment of a few thieves, all based in Moscow, through exploitation and theft of resources from entire Russia,  hypercentralization was if not natural, as there is nothing natural about Russian Federation in its present shape, but at least an expected outcome.  So when I heard that a plane crashed near Petrazovodsk, I was quite sure where it flew from as one did not have to be a genius to make an intelligent guess that probably the plane was not flying from Paris, Tokyo, Kiev, Novgorod or Samara and that in all likelihood Moscow, yes Moscow,  was somehow involved. Because in the anti-Russian Russian Federation Moscow is involved in everything and it is the origin of Russia's doomed flight.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Elena Bonner is dead. A short obituary.

I was fortunate to spend two days without Internet access and upon my return from gardening and watching wood sculptures being  created out of vast poplar trunks, I discovered that during my absence quite a few things have happened in the world .

The NAZO keept bombing Libyan people and the cabbage shaped head of the  teddybear sized puppet presiding over the so-called Russian Federation made a few  unusually frightening pronouncements.  One joyous news came through though. Elena Bonner who was neither "bonne" nor a source of light as her originally Greek name 
Ἑλένη would suggest  (in the enemy's, English language that is in version of Wikipedia, the name is written as Yelena Bonner) but instead represented betrayal, hatred and utter darkness, so Elena Bonner, the old evil witch, the repulsive one,  is now dead.

She hated Russia and all things Russian with conviction a passion unusual even by the standards of her tribe and by her functionary affiliations. Anti-Russian to-the-bone, Bonner, preached hatred through her entire unfortunately  way too long a life and became more demonic and spiteful as she grew older until she reached the age of virulent, hateful senility. A darling of the enemies of freedom and humanity, an ugly propaganda mascot, she died to be ill-remembered by the people whose language she alas spoke. As her rank, fetid soul was dragged away from the scene down to the deep reaches of the underworld where she was to meet her creator, the nation could breathe a sigh of relief and say a few simple  words of farewell : Helena, burn in hell.   

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Putin vs Medvedev vs Navalny

I am not good at keeping blogs. I don't write regularly. Besides I have always thought that blogging is a stupid way to waste time. Or at least one of least pleasurable ones. I started a Russian language blog (at a while ago, that rapidly degenerated into a linguistic nightmare without any sense or rhyme. I will clean it up. Eventually. For the time being I decided to chose some other platform like - just to try it out.  The purpose of it - as most blogs serve no purpose neither will this, not any useful purpose at least, but for me this is a place to ramble away.  Current affairs? Moravia? Internet?

Today I encountered a discussion (thanks to Mike Averko who sent me the link) on who is Navlny (he is an online Russian personage who exposes corruption in Russia from a safe hideout. I don't read Navalny though I am familiar with his exposés). I wrote a commentary which got sort of longish, out-of-hand (that happens all the time) and as I  felt sorry to condemn it to oblivion in the form of being just one entry among two or three hundred or so comments the post generated,   I saved it and will recycle here as my own.

It is not so about Navalny as about Putin and Medvedev or rather system they represent. The system, which I will endeavor to describe in a greater detail and in a format different that a blog, is unique and is, in my opinion, misunderstood by both Russia's foes and friends.

The difference between Putin and Medvedev is insubstantial. They are Siamese twins.  Their disputes and disagreements are all make believe. The ideology of Russia's Thieving Class is personal consumption (in that respect it is unique, I can't think of no other society where personal consumption was the chief motivator of the society's owners. There were states, as I mentioned before, which were largely driven by profit - 17th century Netherlands and 18th century Britain come to mind, but never was there a society which was ruled by a junta whose only reason to exist is its own personal consumption. That's what Putinist Muscovite Khanate and so grotesquely named United Russia is all about).  The notions that Russian Federation junta is somewhat not fully pro-American (false) or that Americans can undermine Russian junta (they can but why would they) should be put in a proper perspective.  The government-owned air carrier, Rossia (funny, the Putinistas write their state airline's name as RossiYa, with ya - like it were an Arab country), which is the equivalent of the USAF unit operating government aircraft including Air Force One,  replaced all Russian airplanes with American Boeings. Not with Brazilian Embraers or Airbuses for short and medium routes but with Boeings.  Come on. State aircraft procurement has always been the sign and the proof of one's political orientation.  Presidential Administration (the Khanate's home office) in addition to luxurious BMWs for the viziers and Muscovite Khan's most favorite eunuchs buys only Fords.   Russian Federation "Ministry of Defense" buys Ford Focuses for their stuff, not Russian cars, not Peugeots, Citroens or Fiats but Fords.  Militia bosses in St. Petersburg and KGB thugs drive hummers in a manifestation of machismo and Americaphilia that is unimaginable in the US itself.  Not citroens, alfa romeos,  or Russian vehicles. The image they want to present of themselves to the populace and the world is distinctly thuggish and distinctly (though phony) American. There is no more americanized "elite"  in Europe or Asia than the Muscovite Thieving Class.  It is far more americanized than America's staunchest New European vassals.  Russia keeps most of its foreign reserves in US dollars entrusted to the care of the US government while  supposedly pro-American ethno-Nazi statelet of Estonia has no financial assets in the US.  Russia's thieving class prefers Russophobe London over Paris or Milan or Frankfurt - that's where the Thieving Class of Muscovite Khanate buys blocks of prime real estate and keeps assets. That's where corrupt managers and overseers of Khanate's capital (city) run to when dismissed by the Khan (in time free of licking the fence of various alleged "concentration camps" on the eastern shore of the Baltic).  Russia's Thieving class sends its offspring mainly to the US and Britain for " education" - not to France or Austria or Japan or China   (I know a KGB functionary who is also a (state Russian) railroad kingpin whose children are all in America) - it is obviously a unbalanced one-sided relationship as  I am unaware of a single instance when members of the American ruling class or its oligarchy had sent their kids to study in provincial colleges in the so-called Russian Federation, say to Ivanovo, or  used deliberately russified English language for internal communications, bought Russian cars and if that were not enough also  had kept all of their assets in Russia(-an Federation). This relation is far more skewed, one-sided and pathological than of any other country I can think, not even of its closest vassals like Britian,   vis-a-vis the US.  Neither Putin nor Medvedev ever stood up against American aggression or did anything to oppose the collective evil of the West because  they cannot - how can you oppose anything in real life (babble on television is a different thing) if you moved all of  your assets to the US and the EU, have kids studying in enemy countries, usually in the US or Britain, drive cars made by the enemy and have in the show of extreme affectation deliberately destroyed own industry so you could buy American aircraft for your own government use (what about spare parts in case of emergency?) . All your trinkets are supplied by the enemy.  The  "President" (again a word borrowed from the US English which replaced existing Russian equivalent of a person presiding over government) of the so-called Russian Federation,  Medvedev openly displays his fondness for US corporate brands and promotes Apple Computer merchandise on over-the-air Russian TV (something no US president would do).   The Soviet nomenklatura and criminal Moscow -based junta that usurped power in and over Russia and of which Putin and Medvedev are most visible "presiding" representatives do not  care about Russia, Russian people or Russia's interests. Its sole interests are personal consumption of its "members" and the maintenance of the resource-based regime that allows extraction of private wealth from public, once Soviet but then Russian, assets.  Its rule rests on a bureaucratic dictatorship that. paradoxically,  is also culturally US oriented.  Russia or Russian Federation is a peculiar state in precarious state -  there is no ideology save for personal consumption of the Thieving Class (naturally enough. enough crumbs fall off the table down into the hungry mouths of the servants, and the population of Moscow and Putinburg and a few other major cities. hence the underlings are reasonably content as long as they don't keep Noalny's blogt).  The system is reliant on imports (physical and cultural) from Russia's civilizational enemy and keeps all of its assets within jurisdiction of nations that are openly hostile to Russia. One doesn't have to be a genius to figure out that Russian Federation junta  is vulnerable to any kind of boycott or asset freezing.  Structurally the system is unique in historic terms because its corruption is unparalleled as it represents a mini Soviet Union within the borders of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, hypercentralized - in fact the degree of centralization is quite unparalleled, it is centralization on steroids,  a geographic and political entity which has been "privatized" wholesale by the nomenklatura and the criminal classes and where every state asset, office or institution, be it an oil well or police (militia) station is turned into money making resource for the members of the Thieving Class.  I cannot find a historic analogy or a parallel to /Y/EltsinPutinMedvedev's Russia. Fundamentally it is anti-Russian. It has low cultural immunity (in the cultural sense post-Soviet Russia is a patient with terminal stage of AIDS). Its Thieving Class is reliant on "abroad", primarily on the US and Britain, for its daily needs -  transportation, conveniences like credit cards and banking, entertainment, education of its evil offspring, anything,  and thus is pathologically shy and unable to act in the nation's interests.  Under this setup when  the choice is to be made between personal consumption and personal interests on one hand and national interests on the other, the personal consumption considerations always come on top - that's also unique and historically almost unprecedented.  With this sort of balance, the ongoing discussion about who is better Putin or Medvedev is irrelevant, it is a no-issue-issue, while the question who is Navalny can be answered regardless of whether Navalny has made dark sides or just one. He is  someone who has exposed a few minor misdeeds of Russia's Thieving Class and  of the nomeklatura behind Russian Federation's illegitimately  privatized  illegitimate state,