Friday, October 14, 2011

A comment left for a Völkischer Beobachter propagandist

An American-Nazi bitch stationed appropriately in Berlin, in employ of   American Völkischer Beobachter the New York Times wrote this piece on "democratization of Russia" and EU Russian relations.

In it among all the outrageous and contradictory absurdities, the New York Times cunt claims that EU visa policy vis-a-vis Putinista Russian Federation may change something and push hopeless Russian Federation toward the path of salvation through conversation to the (subject to Washington approval) gods of democracy.

The piece begged for a critical comment which I of course left for the apparently literate cunt to read and enjoy:

Now, Cunt, tell me why would the rest of Europe or the mighty though bankrupt Fourth Reich itself (the U.S. of A.  that is) give a fuck about democratization of Russia but not, say, care even a bit about democracy or abysmal lack thereof in Singapore or Saudi Arabia? What about Qatar? Or even an EU member, the pesky ethno-Nazi statelet of Estonia where only people of right ethnicity are allowed to vote? That is frankly beyond me. Democratization of Russia (whatever that is) is a big issue but of Saudi Arabia is apparently not. Why is that?  I am not a Russian national though am of (half) Russian descent and this sort of Russophobe garbage that the rag that employs you is printing all over, week after week, year after year, puzzles me quite a bit.

Now, Cunt, come on, tell me how come visa barriers against helpless people (provided Russia is not a democracy, though of course it is more democratic than the USA but that's a different story altogether - and not that democracy is some kind of religion - but say Russia is not democratic hence its population can influence nothing as it has no say in anything) are of any value in promoting that phony democracy thing of yours at the time when under terms of EU-RF visa agreement all Russian officials and bureaucrats  can already travel to and throughout the EU visa-free, but ordinary people are subjected to humiliation and abuse by both their own and EU bureaucrats. Or why shouldn't EU or US punish Singaporean nationals just because their state is not a democracy but is in fact a one-party dictatorship? Or what about punishing Saudis, surely they routinely execute women by stoning on made up infidelity charges and there is not even a pretext of voting or of representative government, so what about them? And Russia is a fucking big deal -  that's not very logical or consistent or democratic, bitch, is it?
