Saturday, July 30, 2011

Syndicating Mike Averko - Sacirbey's Serb

Just want to repost a few thoughts lest they disappear for posterity:
Jovan Divjak's name corrected below.

Reminded of a recent RT show, where Muhamed Sacirbey lauded the featured Serb Jovan Divjak in the above linked article.

The RT show in question and follow-up comments:

Misha Gavrilovic is knowledgeable of Serb views. Muhamed Sacirbey is American TV news media savvy.

The latter didn’t address several points, while downplaying some others.

- Bosnian Muslim nationalist culpability in keeping Srebrenica a tense war zone in the lead up to the mass killing of Muslims.

- Earlier Bosnian Muslim nationalist violence against Serbs in the Srebrenica area.

- The panel didn’t get into the matter of determining the number of people killed in Srebrenica by summary execution, collateral damage, as well as those who were armed combatants. Some other Bosnian Civil War casualties have since been acknowledged as bloated. Over the course of time, the Bosnian Muslim nationalist side has been prone to trumping up figures as a way of getting greater worldwide sympathy. At present, there’re claims that there’s a good basis to disbelieve the figure that near 7,000 or more Muslim males were summarily executed at Srebrenica. This view doesn’t deny that summary executions on a noticeable scale took place and that such action falls under a war crime status.

- Sacirbey’s comments on the Bosnian Civil War alliances omitted mention of the the Muslims who chose to fight against Alija Izetbegovic’s forces, while siding with the Serbs and/or Croats. One such Muslim Fikret Abdic, appears to have been a more prominent figure than Sacirbey's preferred Serb. In an election, Abdic received more popular votes than Izetbegovic.

- The state of West Virginia is a product of the American Civil War. At the outbreak of that conflict, the majority of Virginians chose to side with the upstart Confederacy, whereas the rest of that state preferred to exist within the Union.

- Instead of choosing to remain part of what was still a very multiethnic Yugoslavia (even with the secessions of Croatia and Slovenia), the Bosnian Muslim nationalists chose separatism in an entity where they would be in a dominant position as the plurality. The Bosnian Muslim nationalist leader at the time authored (in 1970) an Islamic Declaration, with passages contradicting the idea of multiethnic tolerance.

- While it’s true that Bosnian Croats en masse didn’t seek a continued existence in Yugoslavia, it’s also true that they aren’t/weren’t so keen in living in a Bosnian Muslim dominated state.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Western or just plain American though not American Western or on the dangers of Americanization

 A curious feature of public American discourse. There whenever they say "Western" or West they don't mean "white" Europe without Russia plus the USA plus the Anglo-Saxon colonial offshoots, though not South American countries,  but the USA itself which to a degree monopolized the term. The New York Times says repeatedly that Anders Behring Breivik was reading and referencing Western bloggers. But in reality all bloggers he read and quoted (except one Norwegian), all but one are American.  He did not read Portuguese, Italian or Austrian bloggers. When American media  say  something about West (as  about ongoing conflict between Russia and the West), what is being said in fact that there is conflict between the United States and Russia, not between Russia and say Andorra, which coexist pretty well on this planet. That is a very important feature of today's political discourse when the term West is si fully usurped by the United States, a country and a civilization that does not belong to the West, that no difference is made between the two.  Another note about  Anders Behring Breivik opus is his reliance on American sources that is so typically Scandinavian.  Their views on Europe are shaped by American authors and propagandists who know nothing about Europe and whose vision of the world is like their own country -  evil.  If Anders Behring Breivik  read French, Spanish, German and Austrian authors instead of nourishing himself on the diet of America-generated hate, perhaps he might have acted differently or better still not acted at all. Because American right wing politics and opinions are so rabid, savage, barbaric and so utterly non-European, it is easy to see why  Anders Behring Breivik was affected and effected (who wouldn't be - the Islamophobic or Russophobe stuff spread from the USA is heady, dangerous, infectious  and evil). The problem wih Scandinavians as I see it is that their own cultural space is either cramped and small - like that of Sweden and Denmark or just miniscule - that of Finland.  Because there is so little happening in their own cultural space, they seek  nourishment outside of it,  and because Scandinavia is in the English language territory. this nourishment happens to be noxious fodder imported from the US. One reason why Sweden and Finland should not have been admitted or perhaps should not have admitted to the EU is as the reason why the UK shouldn't have been kept out -   they don't belong to Europe and the latest Scandinavian entrants tipped the linguistic balance in favor of English and away French which in reality meant true  multilingualism.  So when the Völkerischer Beobachter wrote that Anders Behring Breivik was influenced by "Western" bloggers, it meant that the murderer was influenced by American bloggers. That simple.  American being synonymous with the West, and as I noticed, Scandinavia and Finland are so much entrenched in the American cultural space, from movies to blogs, that most of them are oblivious to the fact that other worlds exists. The narrative of crusade, rapture, violent collision, Protestant intolerance, racial hatred, deliverance through violence is very much right wing American.  When played out in reality this can become  bloody - Anders Behring Breivikis rampage is just the latest example of senseless though deliberately spectacular American-style right wing terrorism.  Had Anders Behring Breivik been less Western (a phony term that became synonym for, with and of the Evil Empire behind the ocean) and more European or Chinese or Arab and had he lived in a different cultural space, it is possible that things would have turned out differently - though that is precisely the thought with which I began this spontaneous note.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In a fit of propagandist fervor Süddeutsche Zeitung loses its sense of reality

For those unfortunate few who do not read the language of Goethe and Hilter, this masterpiece must be translated though I don't have the time to translate this piece in its entirety, which happens to be an astonishing example of propaganda that would probably put both late Dr. Goebbels and still alas living Rupert Murdoch to shame.

The article is titled - Estonia - the Eurostars from Tallinn or in the original it is

( though I would rather see "die" here used in the English sense of a verb rather than the plural form of the German definite article).

For  about 20 years which is way too long on any scale lest for the lifetime of a historically unprecedented ethnic statelet,  the intensity and absolute utter shamelessness of  propaganda manufactured on its behalf  has not ceased to amaze me.  

Now , one can talk about conspiracy theories or not, and I believe I have a definite proof that the ethno-Nazi Estonian statelet has been a cornerstone of America's greater historic anti-Russian (in the racial and ethnic sense) and anti-Russia (in the civilizational sense) project, far more than Poland has been or for a number of reasons, could have been, and the nasty show has been run with assistance of its British vessel, its obedient German stage servant , and, not surprisingly, for historic and cultural reasons,  with the enthusiastic help of two Protestant stagehands, Finland and Sweden.   

Unprecedented stream of propaganda fabricated on behalf of the Estonian ethnocracy has been one of cornerstone elements of this project, others being financial propping of the Estonian ethno-Nazi "national elite" and suppression of Russian speakers which represent a third of the ethnoracy's population and in some regions constitute the  majority.   Estonian ethnocracy has been also been generously supported by the Russian Federation itself or rather by the top layer of the Putinist state hierarchy and the Muscovite thieving class which uses Estonia as transit gateway for looted commodity  exports  and as a money laundering heaven.

But let me first translate, roughly, on the go, the introduction to this propaganda piece and a few lines that follow which  represent highlights of this remarkable opus:
quote (and the beginning of my translation:)

As Europe is threatened to drown in its own debt, and countries one next after another come  into the sights of the rating agencies, there is  one  model student left - this is  Estonia. The Euro-stars from Tallinn have little debt and get the best reviews.  In essence Balts  want to become an electronics (super) power - and the Internet revolution has already transformed the land.

Toomas Hendrik Ilves loves to make comparisons.
(Note:  Toomas Hendrik Ilves is the so-called president of the ethno-Nazi statelet of Estonia).
The president says with a sense of pride, that  besides Estonia, only Luxembourg  fulfills the Maastricht criteria which allow an annual deficit of no more than three percent of the GNP.

The European division between east and west is outdated (says Ilves) as the axis has been turned by 90 degrees. The dividing line in Europe now lies between north and south.

Ilves leaves no doubt that Tallinn would endorse bailout plan for indebted euro-zone countries - even if the majority of  1.4 million Estonians reject this in the polls. The elite of the country focuses on Europe and sees itself economically more akin Germany, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries.

End of quote  / end of translation.

I'll stop right here as it gets too bizarre

Let me dampen the propagandist jubilance.

1. Comparison of Luxembourg and Estonia (

GDP per capita

- Estonian Nazi statelet: 10,341 euro per capita (one of Europe's lowest, I estimate the actual amount being half of the declared 10 000 euros per annum)

- Grand Duchy of Luxembourg - EUR 77,092 euro per capita (Europe's highest or second highest after Norway).

2. What voice do  Estonian ethno-Nazi have and how much do they matter in "rescuing" other euro-zones countries and how much "they can help" others tripe.

Here is the answer: Estonia is the second largest recipient of EU aid per capita.  That is second after the mighty economic powerhouse of Lithuania.  Estonian ethno-Nazis are more expensive to keep and feed save their Lithuanian brethren. Yep, Greeks are cheaper.  A tiny fascist ethnocracy got 528.09 million or half a billion euros in direct EU handouts (not loans,  handouts, the essence the salaries of the "president" and of entire governance apparatus of the ethnic statelet is paid for by foreign donors). Each Estonian ethno-Nazi gets 400 euros in pocket money to play with. Each German national deposits 115 euros into the EU's black hole. It takes four (4) Germans to feed one Estonian ethno-Nazi - just for the sake of keeping a potential anti-Russian aggression launch pad for the NATO as obviously there are no other benefits of "having Estonia" around. It is an expensive foothold. And a foul-smelling one as this particular Nazis' feet don't smell of perfume.

3. "Ilves leaves no doubt that Tallinn would endorse bailout for indebted euro-zone countries - even if the majority of  1.4 million Estonians reject this in the polls."   

The sentence contains both one fallacy and a lie.

This fallacy -  the ethnofascist darling of Washington and London is not a democracy by any stretch of even most inflamed and sick imagination. With over 30% of its population disenfranchised, a rabid ethnic dictatorship in place and with total suppression of free speech, Estonia is one of least free states  on earth but in the remotest of theories, if it it were a democracy, a condition for which Süddeutsche Zeitung passionately cares about, and which alas is not much on display even in its home,  then the words of the Penguin (that's how the so-called president of ethnocracy is known at home) that "Tallinn" (who is that mighty ruler by the way?) would endorse whatever absurdity despite public opposition deserve a condemnation. Democracy means the rule of and by the people, not by penguins. Where are the shrieks of indignation?

And now comes the lie.  Estonia is explicitly an ethnic state with one ethnic group being the master and the other the slave. Estonia is the state for the tribe of Estonians or Esthes,  people of Finno-Ugric language and origin who were introduced to education and urbanized during the Soviet era and who were granted a state by Gorbachev and Eltsin within the border of the ethnically defined stonian SSR.  Ethnic Estonian state is the recipient of the EU cultural funding for Estonian schools, libraries, exhibitions, and what have you. The second group here,  Russian speakers,  are made into the slaves, from my knowledge with the encouragement of Brussels bureaucracy and (some, numerically two) Scandinavian countries.    If you look at the public inscriptions, bus schedules or EU sponsored and paid for "art exhibitions" - Russians don't exist.  In a city like Narva with over 80% Russian speakers, Russian in public signage is pretty much outlawed and there are no EU-sponsored exhibitions or film productions in the Russian language.  Russian speakers represent over 30% of population in the land that has been a part of Russia for almost 300 years. Hence, by ethnostate's own classifications, there are not 1.4 million Estonians but only around 900 000. In the "polls" that the Süddeutsche Zeitung brings up only some 900 000 "voters" matter as the rest of people have limited or no voting rights. Something that the Süddeutsche Zeitung does not tell its readers. Though in an ironic twist the story comes around and the "democracy" shows its true face: even  Estonians (of which there are 900 000 or so) do not matter as the US-appointed and Brussels-approved executive governor Ilves the Penguin and his pet etho-Nazi camarilla would do everything they are told damn the populace and forget the opinion polls.

4. Estonia as economic success story. Since the end of the Soviet Union and establishment of ethnofascist statelet of Estonia the territory's population losses were greater than those the land suffered during two world wars and whilst being under German occupation. Combined. I am not bring up the topic of Soviet occupation because Cold War canard notwithstanding, Estonia was never occupied by the Soviet Union and Estonian SSR experienced fastest population growth in the territory's history. In the last 19 years of good "grades" from the rating agency it suffered the largest single loss in history due to migration and increased mortality. In fact although Estonians (Esths), the titular tribe, are declared master race in the ethnocracy, 100 000 of them have already fled the ethnostate for good and more are on the way. Percentage wise it represents an unprecedented loss. All the talk of the "Polish plumber" character notwithstanding,  Poland experienced nothing of the sort while the Czech Republic has been a recipient of large inflows on individual entrepreneurial capital and, characteristically, of immigration from all over the world. Translated onto the German scale things,  the losses due to Estonia's miraculous economy management and "low deficits" would have amounted to over  20 million human beings, by a great margin more than Germany lost to  Nazi terror, war, bombing, foreign captivity, occupation and immigration from 1933 to 1945. That's a success story indeed. Another victory like this...   king Pyrrhus said famously. 

Although a sizable portion of working population fled,  the effective unemployment rate in the ethno-Nazi paradise is now at over 20% (with the official rate hovering in the vicinity of 18%

While the Tallinn (Reval really) medieval quarter has been lovingly restored (under the Soviet Union and at Russia's expense as it has been the donor of over 90% of union funds) and the area immediately around it sparkles with new imported glass panels that coquettishly  cover Soviet era buildings and a few fake skyscrapers, the land beyond looks as if were hit by a major natural calamity followed by succession of occupying foreign armies. No surprise that already third of population moved to Tallinn and the rest stays because they cannot afford the move. Converted into the German scale of things: that would one Berlin of 30 million.

5. The electronics powerhouse. The most propagated myth about the ethnocracy is the most absurd.  To prove the absurdity one has to look for the names of Estonian electronics manufacturers. The search will be futile as there aren't any.  The only evidence of anything remotely related to electronics are a few foreign run assembly lines, where wage slaves, mainly Russian speakers, put together "things" from imported parts. In fact the share of foreign electronics assembly in Romania and Hungary's is far greater than in the Baltic ethnocracy, but I've yet to hear Romania being labeled an electronic powerhouse.
Estonia's electronics are in reality re-exports of Russian commodities which represent the largest article of Estonia's foreign trade.   Russian transit cargoes come second.  Muscovite Thieving Class, the Nomeclature, can siphon off profits when the business is routed through Estonian ethnocracy.  Hence even Russia's electricity sales to Finland are routed, absurdly, through an Estonia-based intermediary. Then there is the money laundering or skimming off Russian foreign trade profits that settles in the ethnocracy and keeps it afloat. Although Russians are considered subhumans and Russian language is almost outlawed in public,  one should visit a private banking department in the headquarters of any Tallinn bank (climb the SEB "skyscraper") to get the impression that Russian here is still the numero uno.  In fact most funding for extreme ethnic nationalist (ethno-Nazi) party the Isamaa comes, indirectly, from Putin-related sources courtesy of the largest supermarket chain in the St. Petersburg region.
After Russian money the next most productive sectors of the Estonian economy are not hi-tech related but prosaic. Tourism - again Russian Federation tourists are now number one by spending and perhaps number two numerically and, importantly in Estonian scheme of things, organized crime. Estonia is a principal supplier of drugs to other EU "markets" and a champion in sex tourism and prostitution. Naturally enough political functionaries, re-export magnates, Russian transit operators, drug dealers, prostitution kingpins, pimps might buy expensive consumer electronics or foreign made watches. That does not make Estonia an electronics superpower.
Thus said there is also half a billion in EU handouts which are served for dessert, net and obligation free, which is far more important and weightier for the statelet's economy than its fictional electronics industry.

4. Democracy credentials frequently repeated (see above).
Estonia is an ethnic dictatorship that is run as US / NATO protectorate at third country, principally Russian Federation,  expense. It is also subsidized by Russia's Thieving Class because Muscovite oligarchy and top members of the Putinist regime benefit from it financially (in fact if Russia had a democratic government, both the Estonian miracle and Estonian "state" would have come to an end within probably a timeframe of less than six months with no military force applied and no shot fired).  People in Estonia are neatly classified by their respective ethnicity. Those of wrong ethnicity, such as Russian (and many Russian speakers, many Jews are considered Russians because of the language preferences) are discriminated against, paid up to half of what ethnic Estonians earn and are deprived of equal access to cultural funds and education in their native language.
In essence today Estonia is an apartheid state - this is somewhat of a taboo though everyone understands it is an apartheid state, it is a taboo because apartheid is a crime against humanity in the same league as the genocide under Rome statute of the international criminal court of justice and when Mr Ilves and other members of the ethnocratic junta will face justice it is the charge they would rather want to avoid. Understandably. Hence the taboo.

Estonia as a Nazi state.   Estonia was taken into the EU  despite it being apartheid state with a third of its population disenfranchised and despite intense discrimination against Russians and Russian speakers - which I believe takes place with the  encouragement  of unelected Brussels bureaucracy and of some EU members. As Brussels frivolously proclaimed Tallinn the European Capital  of Culture - a purely political undertaking as no one has seen any culture there and there are a far more qualified cities (Munich being one or let's take ancient Ravenna as another example) and festivities went underway, another sort of celebration took place. Estonian towns commemorated the entry of Nazi Wehrmacht which marked extermination of the local Jewry and of Slav population that commenced right away and did so on an industrial scale with children and adults being murdered from the day one  Overall Estonian Nazis murdered over 300 000 people, by some accounts up to half a million -a figure comparable with ethnic Estonia's population in the territory proper and adjacent Russian districts. The extermination of Jewry was in fact complete. It was safer to be a Jew in the Third Reich (!) than in Estonia.  Naturally Germans took the collective blame while Estonian murderers are now fated as victims and "freedom fighters" (freedom from ethnic minorities that is).  Although local Jewish community voiced protest as did one Russian speaking activist, the embassies of Germany and the USA kept silence (and I guess so did the "embassy" of the Russian Federation).

I know at least three lie and lying-related quotations by Adolf Hitler, who along with Alfred Rosenberg, Reval- or now Tallinn-native,  is the spiritual heir of today's Estonian ethnocracy and judging by Matthias Kolb's propagandist fare, also a mentor of sorts to Süddeutsche Zeitung.  The pro-Estonian propaganda not merely proves Hitler's dictum that the people would believe anything, any lie as long as it is big enough (Die Menschen werden jede Lüge glauben, vorausgesetzt sie ist groß genug) , but adds a twist to it that absurd and easily disproven lies would be believed most.
Süddeutsche Zeitung is headquartered in Munich, the capital of the federal state of Bavaria. Bavaria itself is the home to the largest group of Sudeten Germans - who were not really Germans as until Hitler's arrival they never lived in a state called Germany or had German passport - but German speaking inhabitants of Bohemia and Moravia.  Between 1945 and 1948 2.5 million of those people were disenfranchised, robbed of their civil rights and even most basic personal belongings, and expelled.  Many were tortured. Over 200 000 innocents were murdered. This was example of another "West"-sponsored ethnocracy on a  rampage, their particular Ilves was called Benesch and obviously Ilves today cannot get away with the things Benesch could (with Washington and London's blessing and approval, and Stalin's acquiescence, though practically all modern Czechs and Moravians I know believe that a great injustice was committed). But the narrative is the same - a national or rather ethnic liberation of a group within a given population through depriving other members of the population of all rights.  While I believe that Benesch "decrees" must be repelled and the injustice done to German speaking inhabitants of Moravia and Bohemia redressed (something the government of the Federal Republic won't hear about probably for same reason why it won't say a word about obnoxious Nazi pageants  in Estonia:  it was told not to rock the leaky boat), the principle of universality of human rights or that no tribal "rights" could be above those of individuals are still sacrosanct lest we sink into barbarism of which today's Estonia, in a glorified and puffed up form, with its lurid EU make up all over,  is a shining example.
It does not take much effort to see the ugly face behind the thick  make up of the Estonian, not euro-star, euro-whore perhaps,  one just has to do the basic journalistic duty and check the fact.
How successful is the economy or how truthful are rosy statistics if about a quarter of working population fled while the unemployment is among continent's highest despite being the massive channel for Russian Federation commodity exports and second largest per capita recipient of EU aid?
How successful is the state's health care policies (under EU supervision) if the level of AIDS infection is both the EU and continent's highest?
How believable are electronic powerhouse claims if no Estonian company makes any electronics, nothing of any kind, and could not put together a device as complicated as a door bell?
How credible are the glossy democracy credentials and how legitimate is the state if a third of population is disenfranchised and lives under an apartheid system created out of a preposterous pseudo-legality?
This is the sort of question a journalist, as opposed to a propagandist, has to ask and to answer instead of parroting grotesque, incredible and easily disprovable propagandist stories.  \

Finally, the so-called leader of the Estonian ethnocracy proposes to divide Europe.  Estonian ethno-Nazis already divided the population of Estonia, they shouldn't be allowed to split Europe.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bar / cafe photos (3) - at the counter

though I swore to myself (not really) that I am not going to pollute my blog with photographic masterpieces of my own making, here is one (from a large series of analogue Reval or Tallinn) pictures that is about the subject I wrote before and will write again soon...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


A REPTILE...    OF SORTS. by borisdeswan
A REPTILE... OF SORTS., a photo by borisdeswan on Flickr.

The artist caught on film the dormant creature's smile -
Whence came the beast and why - to frighten and beguile?
From depths of forests crawled or swam from river Nile?
What is the monster - is it half wolf - half crocodile?

Creación de W. Disney

Creación de W. Disney by borisdeswan
Creación de W. Disney, a photo by borisdeswan on Flickr.

Behold the sight of cactus mice with ears.
I haven't seen anything so creative in long years.
Though years are long, the ears are short and it appears
That mice grow freely when it has no fears
of Pentax wizards or of Kiev engineers
This joyful picture fills the viewer's eyes with tears

sketches and observations made in and of an ethnocracy

A few days ago I landed in the airport of Reval, now called Tallin (ethno-Nazis get all worked up when Russians spell Tallin properly, with a single "n" that is, albeit the correct name of the city should be Reval or Revel, in Russian at least; Ethno-Nazis would probably get a collective heart attack when they find out that their friends Czechs - who did an outstanding job on Estonian SS scum in the last weeks of the WWII - often spell Tallinn with a single "l" - like Talin). Czechs either abhor double consonants or have no use for them.  Most of them don't know anything about Estonians' existence (lucky people) hence I don't believe they omit the "n" on purpose.

We had a pleasurable flight from Pressburg / Bratislava's homey airport (for which I hold special affection)  by a small French-built ATR-42 turboprop (an exquisite machine) first to Prague and then on an another CSA flight operated by a Airbus A-319 to  the ethno-Nazi cesspool known as Tallin or  Tallinn (in ethno-Nazi parlance).

CSA - once Czechoslovak Airlines now just Czech Airlines (the Slovak carriers Air Slovakia and SkyEurope went bankrupt last year) - is excellent. They flirted with low cost nonsense like charging passengers for sandwiches and drinks a few years back but then reverted to being a normal airline. Which is somewhat extraordinary turnaround on its own.  No amount of praise is enough for the CSA because they are so usually good.

Tallin or Tallinn airport was designed by a Russian, a Muscovite architect and built with Soviet Union (Russian) money in the late 80s. You won't find that sort of information or in fact any reference to the origins of the airport's building or to its architectural authorship, not in Estonia, not on the pages of the English language (CIA and ethno-Nazi controlled) Wikipedia. All history before 1918 is filtered out. In fact it looks like the history began in the year of 1918. History of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic is more or less erased as well. Those buildings are just there. It is a go-between collective amnesia that affects about half of the city's population (Estonian speakers, recent peasants who became urbanized during Soviet era), the other half are Russian speakers are they are deprived of all civil rights and are not allowed to have a memory on their own, and of a historic censorship carried out on an unprecedented scale. It is like the Estonian SSR did not exist. Of course it did as the entire city including airport were built under the Soviet Union but nobody is supposed to talk about things that are inconvenient (from the Estonian ethno-Nazi standpoint) . By the way the Soviet airport is now called Lennart Meri Tallin International Airport. Lennart Meri was a notorious Russophobe and a Nazi. Russians built the airport. Now it is named after a rabid ethnic nationalist.  The world where everything is upside down, victims became villains, and villains like the Nazis are now heroes.

There is a humble musical genre known as announcement chime.  It is the chime or combination of sounds that precedes or follows an announcement in an airport or a train station.

Announcement chimes are standard all over through the are a few exceptions. The announcement chime at the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris is special. Something like an UFO sound from a 1960s sci-fi movie. Now I can't think of nothing more neutral that an announcement chime from a political or ideological standpoint, but wait right here, this is no usual place. 

As I walked toward the luggage carousel, some announcement came through the intercom. Preceded by a chime.  There is a proverb about the devil being in the details (though in the original by Flaubert it must have been the God: le bon Dieu est dans le détail) but as this was Estonia the deity that hid in the details was positively diabolic. Estonian ethno-Nazis are great masters of little official nasties:  bites, spits, stings, hints, insinuations, most anti-Russian though most Russians are oblivious to what is going on for reason of being naturally obtuse or, alternatively, because ethno-Nazi performances escape them as they directed at a different, a foreign audience.  This thing was pretty innocent though quite telling. As the chime sounded before announcement (they said that a toilet was closed or they called for a passenger to go to the gate as the wretched creature was delaying some flight)... I paused.
It was not an ordinary airport announcement chime.
Bon Dieu
This was the first accord of the ethno-Nazi anthem.
At least I got a chuckle out of it.