Monday, July 25, 2011

Western or just plain American though not American Western or on the dangers of Americanization

 A curious feature of public American discourse. There whenever they say "Western" or West they don't mean "white" Europe without Russia plus the USA plus the Anglo-Saxon colonial offshoots, though not South American countries,  but the USA itself which to a degree monopolized the term. The New York Times says repeatedly that Anders Behring Breivik was reading and referencing Western bloggers. But in reality all bloggers he read and quoted (except one Norwegian), all but one are American.  He did not read Portuguese, Italian or Austrian bloggers. When American media  say  something about West (as  about ongoing conflict between Russia and the West), what is being said in fact that there is conflict between the United States and Russia, not between Russia and say Andorra, which coexist pretty well on this planet. That is a very important feature of today's political discourse when the term West is si fully usurped by the United States, a country and a civilization that does not belong to the West, that no difference is made between the two.  Another note about  Anders Behring Breivik opus is his reliance on American sources that is so typically Scandinavian.  Their views on Europe are shaped by American authors and propagandists who know nothing about Europe and whose vision of the world is like their own country -  evil.  If Anders Behring Breivik  read French, Spanish, German and Austrian authors instead of nourishing himself on the diet of America-generated hate, perhaps he might have acted differently or better still not acted at all. Because American right wing politics and opinions are so rabid, savage, barbaric and so utterly non-European, it is easy to see why  Anders Behring Breivik was affected and effected (who wouldn't be - the Islamophobic or Russophobe stuff spread from the USA is heady, dangerous, infectious  and evil). The problem wih Scandinavians as I see it is that their own cultural space is either cramped and small - like that of Sweden and Denmark or just miniscule - that of Finland.  Because there is so little happening in their own cultural space, they seek  nourishment outside of it,  and because Scandinavia is in the English language territory. this nourishment happens to be noxious fodder imported from the US. One reason why Sweden and Finland should not have been admitted or perhaps should not have admitted to the EU is as the reason why the UK shouldn't have been kept out -   they don't belong to Europe and the latest Scandinavian entrants tipped the linguistic balance in favor of English and away French which in reality meant true  multilingualism.  So when the Völkerischer Beobachter wrote that Anders Behring Breivik was influenced by "Western" bloggers, it meant that the murderer was influenced by American bloggers. That simple.  American being synonymous with the West, and as I noticed, Scandinavia and Finland are so much entrenched in the American cultural space, from movies to blogs, that most of them are oblivious to the fact that other worlds exists. The narrative of crusade, rapture, violent collision, Protestant intolerance, racial hatred, deliverance through violence is very much right wing American.  When played out in reality this can become  bloody - Anders Behring Breivikis rampage is just the latest example of senseless though deliberately spectacular American-style right wing terrorism.  Had Anders Behring Breivik been less Western (a phony term that became synonym for, with and of the Evil Empire behind the ocean) and more European or Chinese or Arab and had he lived in a different cultural space, it is possible that things would have turned out differently - though that is precisely the thought with which I began this spontaneous note.

1 comment:

  1. American English – the language of hate!

    What I found frightening when reading the manifesto was his perfect and idiomatic command of American English. Exactly as you say, influenced by and targeted for the American, or "Western" hate market.

    Maybe the only thing stopping Jussi Halla-aho and his friends from performing a similar feat in Finland is the fact that very few Finns are this proficient in American hate propaganda. Norwegians are better because of their linguistic closeness. Finns may think – hopefully – that what ever they may produce in the Language of Hate does not quite deserve a 100+ marketing budget. They would more likely – or as we have seen, more often – be targeting for only ten to twenty victims.
