A few minutes ago I stumbled upon a delicious fable narrated in Russian and published on the pages of the Putinstan Facebook community (the community is obviously Russophone, though not Russophobe, what a difference a letter makes! and as its name implies has a somewhat ironic edge).
Here is the story:
Vladimir Putin comes to a fortune teller and asks her:
—You, tell me my fortune.
The fortune teller announces:
— Oh I see you being driven in a big automobile with an open top and there are crowds of people all around you — she paused for a split second and then continued:
— I see that those people are jubilant, they are waving flags and balloons; they are applauding and are shouting "bravo". Their faces are radiant with happiness.
Putin smiled as he uttered: I knew that all along, the people love me. Can I shake their hands?
— Alas not, the coffin is nailed shut.
Fans of the little man who believe he is immortal will be upset by that fairy tale...