Sunday, December 4, 2011

Does Russophobia have an ethnic origin? It might have several. Followed by a preliminary note on the Russian parliamentary elections,

Today I received a link to this piece in the New York Times.
Although one can dismiss this off hand as usual Russophobe drivel from the American equivalent of Völkischer Beobachter (the equivalent of the Stürmer is based in Washington, DC, and it is called the Post) there are a few comments that I wanted to make lest people think that Ariel Cohen is a blue-blooded American who is somehow concerned with the fate of democracy in Russia. Notice the ugly illustrations that somehow alludes that Russia is Communist. 
Hello everyone, 

A few important points to make about this peace and its authorship.

Arial Cohen is Russian. He is a Russian Jew whose native language is  Russian, not American English.  He blogs in Russian and his language,  frankly, is flithy. He is in employ of   a fascist taxpayer funded and CIA-affiliated Heritage foundation.

Arial Cohen is also an active Zionist and writes on Israeli issues.  His beef with Russia is partially of Middle Eastern origin. For example he  is now  upset with Russia selling missiles to Syria.  

Although Russophobia in the US foreign policy is primarily Jewish driven, its roots are historic and to me  are not absolutely clear.    Hilaire Belloc wrote about this among other authors of repute, but wait, here  I just finished reading a work by Robert Crozier Long titled The Colors  of War. Robert Crozier Long was an Associate Press front line  correspondent in Russia during the First World War - he might have even  stayed in Russia at the time of the Bolshevist putsch that destroyed the country for good in 1917.  The Colors of War was published in 1915 and  consists of war reportage all written in the 1914. There is a phrase I  recall (the fighting was going on in Poland at the time) and there the Germans capture the town of Lublin - he writes - that the Germans brought in ethnic Jews as the administrators for the town because Poles,though were  supposedly oppressed in the Russian Empire, could be  suspected of Russophilia, of sentiment of compassion, while Jews were  not, in fact he says it is "the race that hates Russia and Russians  most".  I thought that was a curious observation that somehow foretold  the events of the so-called Russian Revolution and echoes eerily with  our day, with today's anti-Russian propaganda and the frenzied industry  of Russophobia. The latter, I am afraid, that have ethnic root (and not necessarily Jewish as anyone familiar with the situation in Estonia  would testify).

The extent of outside Jewish hatred expressed for Russia through the controlled media in the so-called West, but primarily in America, or  through actions of state apparatus of subservient  entities like the  United States (I won't call it an independent nation) is to me frankly  puzzling. Why would that be the case? Russia is itself a state  controlled by a number of Jewish clans.  Another book tells how this  happened, the Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine, Princeton University Press,  which is hardly anti-Semitic as the author is a  Soviet Jew and the book won a number of awards from Jewish organizations in the United States.  To me it looks like a match between two  clans of similar origins with traditional historic Russophobia mixed in, the Cohen's New York Times editorial is just a salvo in that ongoing  battle. 

Obviously not all foreign and domestic Jews are Russophobes but there is a trend one cannot just dismiss off hand like one cannot dismiss the  origins of the majority of so-called Russian bilionaires merely as a coincidence. But perhaps it is a coincidence. May be. 

By the way here is a curious article about Bolsheviks and their crimes in Russia: 

all true but the comments, some of them written by obvious anti-Semites  are not large number of Bolshevik victims were Jewish including those whose  wealth was expropriated and there were numerous factors that allowed  Bolsheviks to succeed. 

A few notes on the Russian parliamentary elections.

The criminal Putinista junta would do anything to stay  in power.

There are reports of massive electroral violations in St. Petersburg  (like the commissioner in Kupchino,  one of the largest electoral  districts, left in unknown directions and took all the voter bulletins  with. Nothing is known. No electoral results announced.  St. Petersburg  is the most "normal" and well-behaving location in Russia - in the sense  of elections at least - one could just imagine what goes on in other  places.  A friend of mine who is in the loop told me that the United  Russia (a so-called party, though it has no ideology or electoral  platform of any kind) will steal 20% to 25% of votes.  As of this time 
the vote in St. Petersburg shows 29% share of the United States which  places their real "result" in something like 4% range.  Overall in  country the United Russia will attempt to break through 50% barrier  though in reality it would get about 30% of the vote. That what was  predicted and that is what is now happening. 


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