What I am about to tell also resonates with the revolting, though not unexpected experience, of the acquittal in Kepiro case by the Hungarian court. Today a close friend of mine, an Estonian, asked me to proofread a paper, doctoral dissertation in fact, written by his girl friend who is getting her doctorate degree in cinema studies from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. The dissertation is about image of women in Hungarian cinema.
I guess it is cinema studies with a feminist bent but I haven't gotten that far in the manuscript to pass any judgements on its feminism merits.
First remark which won't probably be so remarkable. Although she is getting her degree in Finland, the language of the dissertation is English. All references are made to American and English-language sources - and what a skewed, one-sided and grotesque world they live in. When Estonia was a part of the Soviet Union, she could have obtained her education in Estonian because the Soviet Union offered a wide range of opportunities for higher learning in tribal languages. In fact there was no tradition of academic publishing, research or Estonian universities before Bolsheviks. If she chose to get her postgraduate degree in Russian, she would have had to learn the Russian because it is impossible to write a dissertation without speaking the language. It is however perfectly possible with English. In fact both ethno-Nazi statelets of Estonia and Latvia, at least a large portion of native populations, more so in Estonia than in Latvia, switched to English as it de facto became the only foreign language tribal members speak. English is a language that is notoriously easy to speak poorly. Writing in it is easier than in German or Czech but still requires some rudimentary knowledge of the language. I discovered a phenomenon that is almost unique to the Finland and the Baltic statelets though it may reoccur now and then in some unexpected places, like in a book on modern art published in Italy among all places. This phenomenon is overabundance of scientific and liberal arts texts, in this case a dissertation, written in an obtuse and grotesquely verbose style filled with esoteric words and concepts which neither the author nor the intended readership have any chance of comprehending. Although English has a notoriously easy grammar, some authors, Finno-Ugric tribesmen in particular, manage to get by without it (something they sure wouldn't do with their own languages) as long as the words that are piled up in dung heap manner are sufficiently complicated and meaningless. That tells me in turn that those illustrious centers of scholarly thought and ancient beacons of enlightenment like the University of Jyväskylä produce tons or, as Finland is metric, then tonnes of totally worthless research, dissertation and papers which advance no worthy causes (in this case the paper is advancing the cause of Nazism at the EU expense though) and contain no research, valuable or not, present a case of environmental wastage as all this mental rot has to be printed on paper, and of ultimate futility as no one either will or can read all this.
Page for page it goes like that: "The cultural systems of what important is figure, motion, color, number is charged with the prerequisites of goal attainment and integration, this means that culture has a central role in ensuring the equilibrium in internal homeostasis of the overall system.
(this goes on for over 150 pages).
I got myself a notebook and a pen and began rewriting entire paragraphs. I struggled through first pages and then the (Nazi) devil tempted me and I looked right into the middle of this manuscript.
There was a chapter of cultural background of Hungarian cinema. Though written in an obtuse manner it repeated myths that are essential to Nazi conception of Europe and the world (which to a great extend corresponds with today's American concept of the West as formulated by America's fascist theoreticians like Samuel Huntington) and with modern day Central and Eastern European cultural mythology.
It says (all wrong in historic sense but the last thing that matters here is history of course):
For the last thousand years Hungary stood between East and West and has been Austria's bastion and bastion of Europe against alien hordes of Mongols and Russians (logically there should be evil trio of Mongols, Turks and Russians, but either because Mongols and Russians sound scarier to the Finnish and Estonian Nazis, or perhaps this being Finland you can't mix in the Turks because they are remote Ugro-Altaic cousins of the Estofinns, though I don't believe that the brilliant thought went so far).
It goes on:
As Mongols threatened Europe in the 13th century, Russians threatened it in all subsequent centuries. In the 20th century Hungary had to stand up in defense of the West against outside Russian evil, failed together with half of Europe, and for 40 years was subjected to alien, Oriental, Russian domination (which however had no impact on Hungary's culture because its culture was so vastly superior to that of the Eastern, Russian occupiers).
Stop here.
It is clear that the Estonian authoress refers to Hungary's role in the Second World War on the side of Adolf Hitler and of German Nazism as to a heroic act of the defense of the West. The fact that Hungary along with Germany was the aggressor and Hungary's defense of the West consisted of murdering innocent and unarmed people - Jews, Gypsies, Serbs, Russians is of no consequence or significance.
It also jibes well with quite plausible theory I encountered in Estonia that although they cannot say it out loud the NATO is just the continuation of fascist armed forces of united Europe, of the West as civilization, that the United States is the direct heir to the Third Reich, that they have to pay lip service to the "Jews" (as a few of those nasty beings got slaughtered during the war) but they fought the good fight the last time, and as long as there is NATO and America, the Second World war was not lost by the Nazist as the Cold War was just the continuation of it.
Now that stuff is amazing because I am quite sure people in Russia (though there is that great InoSMI site that translates foreign press articles into Russian) are quite unaware of this orof the fact that Finnish universities happily deal with this sort of garbage and give doctorate degrees away, oh magic, - remember that Finland sucks its nourishment from the Russian tit for over 60 years now - or that the European Union pays is paying for this wild intellectual extravaganza.
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