From what I know Richard Lowry is a Nazi and an extreme Islamophobe. He is a fan of water-boarding and he advocated nuking Mecca.
Likewise as a Nazi is expected to be a Russophobe. I haven't yet met Russophile Nazis in America.
By the way who talked to lowly Rich Lowry, did you, Mike - it would be astonishing that he would feel sympathetic to your protestation of racial and ideological bias because that's what National Review is all about.
As of Sikorski. He is symbolic of his nation's natural traits - meanness, treachery and pathological ingratitude. In the 1980s he hanged out with the Taliban and Muslim terrorists, he got food from their hands, chances are those guys even petted their Polish dog. in the 1990s he was in bed with American Nazis like Richard Lowry and even managed to befried the pro-Israel lobby. Right now he has committed his hyena of a nation to a war of aggression against people who gave him comfort and lived with him in the 1980s. What Sikorski deserves is to be turned over to his old Afghan friends - I wonder if they kill him right away or cut his balls off first.
There was an article published by the Völkischer Beobachter in Washington (http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/will-the-libya-intervention-bring-the-end-of-nato/2011/04/11/AFhvpoMD_story.html) authored by Sikorski's Russophobe wife on war of aggression against people of Libya. I don't believe those rats give a dead rat's ass about people of Libya but they are bothered by what can happen to the NATO unity as the potential battering ram in the planned war of aggression against Russia. They only thing they care about (Sikorski and Appelbaum, Appelbaum might also care a bit about the sad state of the state of Israel) is hurting Russia and Russians. That's what Sikorski concern for Libya, NATO's phony unity of EU's Eastern Partnership or how the heck is that travesty called, are all about.
Briefly, from a friend on the church situation -I note your recent post on Sikorski.In the early 1990s, Sikorski wrote noticeably anti-Russian commentary for National Review (NR). This was before he joined the AEI and might've been before his meeting and/or marriage to Ann Applebaum. My sense is that he has learned to cover-up his views Western style.In one of his NR articles, Sikorski describes a train ride with a Russian woman. After listening to him, she (in the article) asks why does he hate us (Russians)? Sikorski gave (what for some is) the standard reply of Russians not fessing up to their past. In a phone conversation, NR's editor Rich Lowry was unsympathetic to my protestation of such bias.On the matter of fessing up to the past:Over the years, NR selectively used Solzhenitsyn. His general opposition to Communism is propped, unlike his opposition to anti-Russian propaganda.BTW, there was some other journo of Polish origin besides Sikorski who was in Afghanistan rooting for the anti-government rebels at the time of the Soviet military intervention there. That guy came across as a real SOB. I recall him filming a dying soldier aired on PBS.
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